Our Solution for Crooked Teeth

Straightening Smiles, Boosting Confidence: Your Path to Aligned Teeth

Available treatment solutions and benefits

Before and After Crooked Tooth Solution

Crooked teeth can affect more than just the aesthetics of your smile; they can also impact your oral health. Dr Angela and Dr Jack Gaffey offers a variety of treatment solutions to effectively straighten crooked teeth, improving both the appearance of your smile and your dental health.

Traditional braces remain a popular and effective method, utilising brackets and wires to gradually align your teeth over time. For those seeking a more discreet option, clear aligners offer an almost invisible way to straighten teeth, with the added convenience of being removable for eating and oral hygiene. 6MS is a new alternative to traditional braces for adults who want a quicker, simpler fix to straighten their teeth.

The benefits of correcting crooked teeth extend beyond just a more attractive smile. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Additionally, correcting misalignments can alleviate problems with chewing and speech, and prevent abnormal wear on teeth surfaces. By choosing to straighten your teeth, you’re investing in both your confidence and long-term oral health.

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Crooked Teeth Causes

Crooked teeth can arise from a variety of causes, often involving a combination of genetic and environmental factors. One of the primary reasons is genetics; just as we inherit the colour of our eyes or hair from our parents, the size and shape of our jaws and teeth can also be passed down, leading to misalignments if the jaw isn’t large enough to accommodate a full set of teeth.

Childhood habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of a dummy, or bottle feeding beyond the recommended age can exert pressure on teeth, pushing them out of alignment.

Additionally, premature loss of baby teeth can cause neighbouring teeth to shift into the empty space, leading to crooked teeth as adult teeth emerge.

Trauma or accidents resulting in misaligned jaws can further contribute to the development of crooked teeth. Understanding these causes is crucial in addressing and preventing dental misalignments effectively.


Crooked Teeth Treatment Cost

The cost of treatments for crooked teeth varies widely, depending on the complexity of the case and the chosen method of correction. Traditional braces, a common solution for misaligned teeth, can range in price, reflecting factors like treatment duration and the need for specialised appliances.

Clear aligners, favoured for their discretion and comfort, often come with a price tag that’s comparable to or slightly higher than traditional braces, owing to the custom fabrication and material costs.

It’s important to consider that investing in treatments for crooked teeth is not merely a cosmetic expense but also a contribution to overall oral health. Correcting alignment issues can prevent a myriad of dental problems, potentially saving money on future dental care.

Many dental insurance plans offer partial coverage for orthodontic treatments, and dental practices like ours may provide flexible payment plans or financing options to make treatment more accessible. Ultimately, the best way to understand the cost is through a consultation, where a tailored treatment plan and detailed cost breakdown can be provided.

Bring Back Your Smile in Six Months

Six Month Smiles® at Cumberland Dental offers a swift and cost-effective solution to traditional braces or costly porcelain veneers, allowing you to achieve a straight, confident smile in just six months. This innovative treatment aligns with routine dental visits, significantly enhancing your self-esteem and social prospects without the lengthy process associated with conventional orthodontic methods.

As the exclusive provider in South Australia certified by Six Month Smiles®, Cumberland Dental empowers you with the opportunity to transform your smile affordably. With flexible payment plans beginning at $41 per week, achieving your dream smile is more accessible than ever. Start your journey towards a radiant smile today and experience the life-changing benefits of a beautiful, confident smile in just half a year.


What Our Patients Say About Us


Crooked Teeth Transformation Gallery Before and After Pictures

Class I Extractions 4's
Class II Div II Non Exoo
Crowding Anterior
Deep Bite
Extractions Upper 4's

Crooked Teeth FAQs

What causes crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can result from a variety of factors, including genetics, early loss of baby or adult teeth, improper fit of dental restorations, gum disease, or habits like thumb-sucking and prolonged use of a bottle or pacifier during childhood.

Why is it important to correct crooked teeth?

Correcting crooked teeth is important not only for aesthetic reasons but also for oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Additionally, properly aligned teeth can prevent issues with chewing, speech, and jaw strain.

At what age can crooked teeth be corrected?

Crooked teeth can be corrected at almost any age, provided the individual’s gums and bone structure are healthy. While many people undergo orthodontic treatment during adolescence, adults can also achieve great results with options like braces or clear aligners. We even have braces and Invisalign patients older than 65!

Are braces the only option for correcting crooked teeth?

No, braces are not the only option. While traditional metal braces are a common solution, there are several alternatives, including clear aligners, ceramic braces, and six month style braces, each offering different benefits depending on the case’s complexity and patient’s preferences.

How long does it take to correct crooked teeth?

The duration of treatment to correct crooked teeth varies depending on the severity of misalignment and the treatment method chosen. On average, it can range from 6 months to 3 years. Dr Jack Gaffey can provide a more accurate timeline based on a thorough examination.

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